
The Epigenomics Core Facility of Weill Cornell Medicine provides an array of epigenomics and bioinformatics research resources and services that include:

  • DNA methylation profiling [More]
  • Protein-nucleic acid association [More]
  • Single Cell Transcriptomics, Immune Profiling and Epigenomics [More]
  • Spatial Transcriptomics [More]
  • Bioinformatics analysis [More]
Core resources and services include sample preparation services and data generation on the Illumina NovaSeq 6000 and MiSeq platforms.

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Recent Publications

We require that core clients acknowledge the Epigenomics Core of Weill Cornell Medical College in publications and presentions enabled by our resources.

A recent paper highlighting our RRoxBS assay Transcriptomic and epigenomic analyses uncovered Lrrc15 as a contributing factor to cartilage damage in osteoarthritis:
Singh P. et al. Scientific Reports. 2021. Oct 26;11(1):21107. [PubMed]

Also, check out our paper on the comprehensive evaluation of four DNA methylation measurement platforms:
Kacmarczyk T.J. et al. Epigenetics Chromatin. 2018. May 25;11(1):21. [PubMed]
  • Pakula, H. et al. Nat Commun. 2024. Jan 8;15(1):363 [PubMed]
  • Franceschini, GM. et al. Cancer Discov. 2024. Jan 10: Epub. [PubMed]
  • Rudqvist, NP. et al. Nat Commun. 2023. Aug 24;14(1):5146. [PubMed]
  • Ruan, J. et al. Blood 2023. May 4th; 141(18):2194-2205. [PubMed]
  • Fortin, J. et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2023. Jan 24;120(4). [PubMed]
  • Mlynarczyk, C. et al. Science 2023. Jan 20;379(6629). [PubMed]
  • Suryawanshi, H. et al. PloS one 2022. Jun 3;17(6):e0267704. [PubMed]
  • Singh, N. et al. Nat Commun. 2021. Dec 21;12(1):7349. [PubMed]
  • Foox, J. et al. Genome Biol. 2021. Dec 6;22(1):332. [PubMed]
  • Chalinge, R. et al. Nat Genet. 2021. Oct;53(10):1469-1479. [PubMed]
  • Singh, P. et al. Scientific Reports. 2021. Oct 26;11(1):21107. [PubMed]
  • Doane, A. et al. Nat Immunol. 2021. Oct;22(10):1327-1340. [PubMed]
  • Emi, T. et al. Epigenetics. 2021. Oct 16; 1053-1070. [PubMed]
  • Doane, A. et al. Nat Biotechnol. 2021. Sep;39(9):1129-1140. [PubMed]
  • Shohdy, KS. et al. NPJ Genom Med. 2021. Aug 12;6(1):66. [PubMed]
  • Kotlov, N. et al. Cancer Discov. 2021. Jun;11(6):1468-1489. [PubMed]
  • Yusufova, N. et al. Nature. 2021. 589:299-305. [PubMed]

Comprehensive List of Epigenomics Core Publications via Pubmed


May 2024: We are switching our 10X Genomics Single Cell Transcriptomics and Immune Profiling Protocols to GEM-X (version 3 for Immune Profiling and version 4 for Transcriptomics)..

May 2024:Cell Multiplexing via CMOs (cellplex) for 10X Genomics Single Cell Transcriptomics are not compatible with GEM-X. If you have an ongoing project with CMOs, please discuss with the core before submitting your next service request.